Sunday, June 18, 2006


Man invented the stove, then he invented different sizes. Better burners, larger ovens and even the broiler
He invented the sink, then he invented bigger sinks, double sinks and sinks with sprayers.
He invented the bathtub, then he invented long tubs, round tubs and even deeper tubs so that one could ease down into it a soak. Ahhh

But what about the toilet. The average person visits the toilet 2500 times a year. About 6-8 times a day. You spend about 3 years of your life in the toilet. Yet, most toilets are designed incorrectly.

I must say that the Japanese have far surpassed us in toilet technology. They have invented toilets with seats that warm, and dual sprayers stategically placed in the toilet bowl for cleansing and for some, the top of the line even has music or the sound of a toilet flushing to camouflaged the -- ah, noises that one might make while in the 'loo'.

However even they have not solved the world renown problem of how to keep a man from missing the pot.

I found a funny story about this a while back and posted it. Guaranteed to make you laugh.

Maybe the answer is that toilet seats should be made like potty seats, with a splash gaurd in the front and guys would sit instead of stand. Who the heck made it a rule that guys should stand anyway. Maybe if toilets seats had been made more user friendly to begin with, men would find it natural and women would be happier.

Anyway I can't help but wonder -- What do guys do when they have to pee and pop at the same time, is it like musical chairs, instead of round and around, is it up and down, or what? hehehe


Blogger Becky said...

I'm pretty sure they just sit in that situation.

I don't know, a warm toilet seat always freaks me out, it'd take some getting used too!

7:54 AM  
Blogger David Stehle said...

You know what? I should of saved this post to read on the toilet! (Heehee, bad potty humor there.)

7:13 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Sitting I assume??

7:55 PM  
Blogger Abbas Halai said...

i think you'd enjoy this. japan has some exquisite toilets.

2:00 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Thanks Abbas,
I did see them all, but the one pic I wanted the most was in a article I read about a year ago. Couldn't find it. It was about the ones in this lavish hotel.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Abbas Halai said...

you'll probably find what you're looking for over here then.

9:21 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

I don't remember this post, but I have to tell you I got so stuck on the one in Branson, Missouri,it was so beautiful, I forgot about anything else.
Thank you, I'll have another look. lol

9:33 AM  

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