Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hi Everybody. How cold is it where you live?

Our normal winters may get down in the forty's and we think we've got it bad.
This year we know we've got it bad. We have been getting temperatures as low as twenty-one degrees in the day and as low as sixteen degrees at night. today is one of those extra low temperature days.

Brrrrrrr. We are not used to this at all and to top it off some stray animals have gotten under our trailer home and torn the insulation trying to keep their selves warm. But all it has done for us is make us colder. Our heating vents are pumping in more cold air then hot. To top it all off we have all had our turn at being sick. I'm the lucky one mine doesn't want to go away. I'm still coughing my head off to the point that my ribs hurt and every time I feel a cough coming on I pray it won't happen, but it does.

I suppose I shouldn't be complaining, I'm sure some of you have it much worse then we do. Knowing where some of you live, I know you have it worse then we do, unless you live in Australia and if you do right now I jealous. lol

So tell me all about it. What's your story? How is this winter effecting you?


Blogger Georg said...

Hello Exseno,

I am living in Central France at 550 m ASL (about 1600 feet). Right now it is really Winter, every spot is white. This morning we had -11°C.

Quite cold for this area, normally it hovers around 0°C, Water just about to freeze or unfreeze.


12:26 AM  
Blogger Georg said...

-11°C means 12,2° Fahrenheit. Just tell me, does the average US American understand the meaning of °C?

As far as I know, we got this Centigrade measurement at the French Revolution. And one must admit, it makes sens because water freezes at 0°C and boils at 100°C.


12:30 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Georg,
When it is cold enough to freeze here we let our cold water faucets drip (or a little stream)all night. That usually keeps them from freezing. Have you ever tried that?

7:24 AM  
Blogger TTiSoB said...

hi there Exseno,

Living in the far south of the Netherlands, we got periods of snow since the week before Christmas. Since then the cold is hovering all day around the freezing point.

Basically the last years we had winters but normally the snow is around for a couple of days leaving the roads all messy. It would freeze but more during the nights.


10:26 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi TTiSoB,
Thank you for coming by to make a comment. I was so glad to find your newest site.

We have not had any snow yet. We almost never get snow, so for us when it happens it's more of a fun thing at least for the kids.

For us it has been a lot of rain, ice and low temperatures.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Sister Copinherhair said...

It's damn cold. But a heat wave is coming...back to the thirties. :)

3:08 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

HI Damsel Underdressed,
I wish I could say we have a heat wave coming, but no such luck not this week anyway.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Sam!! said...

Hi Exseno,

Well the part of world i belong to have kinda moderate temperature.. whether summer or winters.. both are in limits..n bearable.. :))

Hope you enjoying ya winters out there.. :))

Take care

7:39 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Sam,
Lucky you, that is the kind of weather we had where I grew up.
I miss that. Here it is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.

12:20 PM  
Blogger The T-Dude said...

It's been everything from 40's to subzero in the past month or so. Gotta love Chicago!

2:00 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

HI T-Dude,
Wow, Chicago.Cold in the winter and that mugy kind of hot in the summer.That's where my Mothers side of the family is from. Of course I'm sure none of my Uncles and Aunts are no longer alive.

6:43 AM  
Blogger Id it is said...

We went down to 11, but on an average it's been in the mid twenties the past two weeks. Last three days we have been snowed in! Colleges and schools have been closed in NY and most of NJ.
When its a rarity....snow is truly enjoyable :)

6:56 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Once the snow got stated it Snowed here all night.
It really is a beautiful sight. Early this morning my new granddaughter and my son and I had a snow fight. She had a ball.
My Son is a big kid when it comes to this sort of weather. I went out to help her and he got me good.

7:05 AM  

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