Friday, May 01, 2009


The wedding came the wedding went. It is over! Done! They finally got married and I officially have a new daughter-in- law. Hooray!

It was a beautiful outdoors wedding and it took place in her Aunts back yard. Her back yard starts at the top of a hill and works it way down to a lake. At the bottom of the hill over looking the lake and a boat dock, the family had set up tables and chairs and the bride and groom stood in front of the boat dock to say their vows with a backdrop of the lake. It was really a beautiful scene.

I noticed that a lot of children ranging in sizes had walked up just to the left of them during the ceremony and when the preacher asked who gives this woman to this man, to my surprise, in unison all of her relatives children yelled, "We do"! I was so tickled I could hardly contain myself.

It was suppose to rain that day, but her aunt was fully prepared. She had umbrellas on her porch for all, just in case.

During the ceremony a drop of rain here or there dropped, but not enough to even make anyone take notice.

After the vows were said and done all walked back up the hill and
there awaited food and drink for all.

Everyone stood still and watched the bride and groom feed each other that first piece of cake, but no one suspected, not even me, that the groom would mash that piece of cake all over her face.
Bless her little heart, she ran into the house to clean up. When she came back out he apologized and leaned over to kiss her, she turn her head up to accept his kiss then -- wham! She smacked him across the side of his head with, yes, cake. He was digging cake out of his ear for the rest afternoon.

He, he, he. He has met his match! Little but mighty, just like her Mother-in Law.

With the exception of the cake episode, it was probably one of the nicest weddings that I have ever attended and I'm not saying that because it was my sons. It is because it was also a time for people to gather that hadn't seen each other for a long time. Old friends were reunited and caught up on old times.
And the good Lord held back the rain until it was time to go. How can you beat that gift.

When my daughter and I left, we found a little liquor store and bought a bottle of wine and a couple of wine glasses and snuck them in the bride and grooms home so that they could have a private toast and unwind.

On our way home it began to rain in sheets. It' rained so hard neither one of us could barely see anything out of the windows.

We were thankful that we made it home safely and we ended the evening with our own unwinding, with the bottle of wine that we bought for us. Oh yes we did.

Do you really think that a Greek person is going to walk into a liquor store and walk out without a bottle of wine of their own? Impossible.


Blogger Becky said...

Congratulations on gaining a new daughter in law! She sounds as feisty as you!

7:38 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Now Becky, what makes you think I'm feisty. He he he.

7:52 PM  
Blogger D said...

What a picturesque setting. I'm sure it was some moment of a life time. All the very best to the newly wedded couple and as you described sure they are perfectly made for each other :)

4:14 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Thank you for visiting my blog.
Yes I really think they are and it was even lovelier then I described it.

5:43 AM  
Blogger Id it is said...

Congratulations! That was some setting for a wedding! There appeared to be so much happiness in the air that even the rain had to hold off...

6:03 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Id it is,
I know. I thought the very same thing. It was suppose to rain that day, I thought surely all of their planes would be ruined. And everything went perfectly. It poured rain just after the wedding.

6:54 AM  
Blogger How do we know said...

oh.. Congratulations!! what a great memory this day will make.. the rains waiting just long enough for u to be indoors!

12:52 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

How do we know,
It was great. It was like a gift from God.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Refreshment in Refuge said...

Hello, my sweet friend! It's been a long time. I am so delighted you have a new daughter-in-law. It is so wonderful to see your family grow. I pray they have a happy life together :)

2:47 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Gina,
It's so good to hear from you. How is everything with you and your Mother.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Sister Copinherhair said...

Congratulations! It sounds like it was a beautiful wedding.

And I'm not Greek but I couldn't leave without a bottle for me too! ;)

4:30 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Damsel Underdressed,

It really was and what made it even better was friends came that I had not seen in a very long time. So it was also like a reunion of old friends too. A little extra bonus.

6:39 AM  
Blogger Mampi said...

Congratulations on the wedding. We wish the newly weds all the best,
a wonderful account of the wedding, i must say.

2:10 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...


Thank you. They moved right next door to me, so I must be careful to be the proper Mother-in-Law.
My idea of the proper Mother-in-Law is to stay at my house and mind my own business. lol

4:55 AM  

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