Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I fooled you didn't I? You thought you'd gotten rid of me didn't you?
No such luck my friends, I'm just like a bad penny, I'm always going to turn up.
The truth is I never intended to be gone this long.
In fact I never intended to be gone at all, a couple of weeks at the most.

I hope that no one thought that I was ill because I was not. The truth is I'm very healthy and if my outer looks were as good looking as my inside feels, I'd be a good looking twenty year old. But no such luck.

Ah but I'm grateful for any small favors that the good Lord chooses to send my way, I can live with a few (a few to many) wrinkles for what feels like a young healthy feeling body any day. But let me tell you why I haven't been blogging.

It all started like this, I have this huge yard almost two acres and all the way around it, it is lined with trees and bushes. Every winter Mother Nature sends us winds and storms and she reeks havoc with my trees and bushes breaking limbs and damaging bushes all over the place.
So when spring came and the weather got so lovely I started to clean up my yard. My son and grandson did a huge part of the work but there was still plenty for me and anyone else in the family, with the exception of one. My daughter.
I think she has glue on her derriere because when she is home she never gets up from the chair in front of the computer. It doesn't seem to bother her at all to sit there for almost twenty-four hours. She even eats setting at the computer.
And God forbid someone else might need to get on. If she gets up at all, she will stand by your shoulder and repeat every five minutes, are you done yet, are you done yet.
Well sure I'm done because I can't think with the constant echo of 'Are you done yet' ringing in my ears.

The longer I stayed away the harder it was for me to come back. I felt so lost, so out of the loop, so brain dead. Where would I find the words. I have missed all of you so very much.
Little did I realize that all I had to do was say 'Hello'.

I love this place that I like to call Blogsville. And I love my blogger friends, each and every one of you is like a part of my extended family. If I should never hear from you again you will always be with me, for each one of you has their own little place deep within my heart.

Ah yes, it feel so good to be back.


Blogger Sister Copinherhair said...

Well...welcome back! A little bloggy vacation never killed anyone. ;)

4:22 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Damsel Underdressed,
Good to be back. I was glad to see everything is going so well with you these days.

6:47 AM  
Blogger Sam!! said...

Hi Exseno,

Glad to have you back.. hope you ll be regular now in blogging.. :))



10:03 AM  
Blogger Anisa said...

So glad you're back!

4:37 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Thank you Sam,
Oh yes,I'm back now.

11:12 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Anisa,
Glad to be back too.

11:16 PM  
Blogger Georg said...

Bonjour Exseno,

Blogging is a kind of challenge, too. Because after some time you MUST write something new. And it does not always come easy.

Like your description of your daughter, computerwise. For a woman this is kind of exceptional, the majority are men. Like my son, a software engineer. And when he comes home, back from computer work, he settles in front of the PC, his wife brings him dinner right near the key pad.

Strange to say, he is nothing creative doing there. Looking into stupid forums.............

If you feel like it, tell me what she does when glued on her "derrière".


1:29 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Georg,
Thank you for stopping by.

Much like your son, she does nothing of any importance.

She surfs the net and plays games,
Which is perfectly alright if you don't have an addictive personality.
I'm affaid 'addictive' is the key word here.
As for computer users, I have no statistics but it seems like here there are more women then men.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Georg said...

Bonjour Exseno,

Yes, addiction is probably the right word. Kind of drug.

You are probably right, men are in the majority for playing games (I do this myself but mostly in Winter "Flight Simulator 2004") but as to blogs, the vast majority of my commenting blogger friends are women.

Cheers to you

11:02 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Georg,
Your are right, women do seem to comment more then men on blogs.
As for games, once introduced to the internet I think we all tend to find a favorite game. Mine is jigsaw puzzles.

10:46 AM  
Blogger Id it is said...

Blogsville missed you exseno! Good to have you back; you certainly proved that you are not addicted!

4:20 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Id it is,
Oh yes I'm addicted. I missed it every day and thank you, I'm glad to be back. I didn't stay away from you though. I peeked at your blog from time to time.

7:50 PM  
Blogger Neel Arurkar said...

Good to see you back too!

10:11 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Hi Neel Arurkar,
Thank you for taking the time to stop by a visit.

6:37 AM  

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