I went to a site this morning that I frequent often. It seems that there was a heated debate over something that happened on another persons site. Apparently the disagreement followed itself back home with the commenter where it continued on his site.
I like both of these people very much and often check on both of them. I enjoy each of their sites for different reasons so it saddened me to know they were bickering and out of respect for each of them I will not name names. I was very tempted to copy a couple of the comments from that site for this post, but I opted not to , for I felt it might be some sort of infringement of their rights. But I did however feel that it was my right to copy my own comment, which I will get to in a minute, as after realizing what the argument was about I felt compelled to comment.
Now please understand this is not word for word but is according to what I read in rebuttal as the disagreement carried over to the site I was visiting at the time. In other words I was not at the scene of the crime, LOL, when it first ensued. If I understood what was going on correctly, one person posted something of a political nature and gave, shall we say, the fickle finger of fate to the politican that she didn't like. The commenter liking the other politcian said that if my candidate deserves one finger , your politician deserves four. It is a little difficult for me to continue without laughing but here go's . The one whos site it was on deleted the commenters comment not because he said something vile or vulgar, not because he used fawl language (apparently they both used the same language) but because he simply disagreed and did not like her candidate of choice. Sorry little chuckle here.
He was hurt that she was so severe as to not only delete his comment , but to e-mail him and ask him to never come back to her site. His argument is if you didn't want comments why do you have a comment column and what is so wrong with disagreeing with someone. As the fight continued on his site many people had many things to say. Here is my comment.
EXSENO said...
I believe so very much in free speech and so many of our rights are so being invaded that I don't know if I would even delete a really bad comment.
I think blogging is a great way of expressing our freedom of speech.
The comment section is the one thing that I like about blogging,it's a great way of communicating and a good debate never hurt anyone.
It happens that I do not like Bush at all. It also happens that I thought Bill Clintion did a great job as president. Now I said as a President not as a man. But his personal life should be between him and his wife. The fact remain that he brought us out of debt and now we are up to our hoohaas in debt again. But I would hate to think that if **** loved Bush that he would deny me the opportunity to state my views.
People don't have to argue or hate to have different views.
You know in the past if I was asked why I liked to blog, I would have to really give it some thought. I would answer everything from I like to write, to I like to meet people, to I like to read other peoples views, and yet it always felt like something was missing. Why was it such a hard question to answer. None of those really totally was what I was feeling, yet I couldn't put my finger on it.
It took running into this heated debate to make me realize why I blog. It all became so clear, if someone should ask me why today, it wouldn't be a problem. The answer for me would have to be FREEDOM.
I like both of these people very much and often check on both of them. I enjoy each of their sites for different reasons so it saddened me to know they were bickering and out of respect for each of them I will not name names. I was very tempted to copy a couple of the comments from that site for this post, but I opted not to , for I felt it might be some sort of infringement of their rights. But I did however feel that it was my right to copy my own comment, which I will get to in a minute, as after realizing what the argument was about I felt compelled to comment.
Now please understand this is not word for word but is according to what I read in rebuttal as the disagreement carried over to the site I was visiting at the time. In other words I was not at the scene of the crime, LOL, when it first ensued. If I understood what was going on correctly, one person posted something of a political nature and gave, shall we say, the fickle finger of fate to the politican that she didn't like. The commenter liking the other politcian said that if my candidate deserves one finger , your politician deserves four. It is a little difficult for me to continue without laughing but here go's . The one whos site it was on deleted the commenters comment not because he said something vile or vulgar, not because he used fawl language (apparently they both used the same language) but because he simply disagreed and did not like her candidate of choice. Sorry little chuckle here.
He was hurt that she was so severe as to not only delete his comment , but to e-mail him and ask him to never come back to her site. His argument is if you didn't want comments why do you have a comment column and what is so wrong with disagreeing with someone. As the fight continued on his site many people had many things to say. Here is my comment.
EXSENO said...
I believe so very much in free speech and so many of our rights are so being invaded that I don't know if I would even delete a really bad comment.
I think blogging is a great way of expressing our freedom of speech.
The comment section is the one thing that I like about blogging,it's a great way of communicating and a good debate never hurt anyone.
It happens that I do not like Bush at all. It also happens that I thought Bill Clintion did a great job as president. Now I said as a President not as a man. But his personal life should be between him and his wife. The fact remain that he brought us out of debt and now we are up to our hoohaas in debt again. But I would hate to think that if **** loved Bush that he would deny me the opportunity to state my views.
People don't have to argue or hate to have different views.
You know in the past if I was asked why I liked to blog, I would have to really give it some thought. I would answer everything from I like to write, to I like to meet people, to I like to read other peoples views, and yet it always felt like something was missing. Why was it such a hard question to answer. None of those really totally was what I was feeling, yet I couldn't put my finger on it.
It took running into this heated debate to make me realize why I blog. It all became so clear, if someone should ask me why today, it wouldn't be a problem. The answer for me would have to be FREEDOM.
I blog for the freedom of speech. For the freedom of being able to say what I feel, what I like, what I want, without fear of repremand.
FREEDOM, the most beautiful word in the world next to love.
I blog because I love to blog. I blog because I can. I blog for the love of freedom!!!!
I blog because I love to blog. I blog because I can. I blog for the love of freedom!!!!

Personally, I like to stay away from the "hot button topics" when it comes to blogging. I've always learned that no matter what in life, everyone will always have a strong opinion about issues such as abortion, politics or religion. It's best to stay clear of such topics if you can't handle a huge debate unfolding. The fact is that many people may disagree with your view point or may not want to hear how you feel, even if they have no problems expressing their own views. That's just the nature of it.
Anyway, I've been meaning to write-up a little post of my own that I am hoping will NOT cause a huge heated debate on my blog, but yet answer some questions I have. I am going to carefully choose my wording when it comes to the post so I don't offend anyone who may misread me. I'm hoping that some people can shed some light on something that I myself do not fully understand. After it is all said and done, my goal is to walk away with a better understanding of another culture and perhaps let it inform other people who also are confused like I am.
Sounds good to me I can't wait to read it. And yes I figure I'll get it on this one. But, you know the big BUT lol
I to usually stay far away from all three of those but this time I broke my own rule.
AMEN to that!!! but then i also agree with diamondkt...
i write whatever i want to write in my blog, but then since i know the certain people who read it, i need to adjust a bit to avoid some domestic problems :D
Very good post Exseno. BTW everyone, my post is one in question. The person whom had deleted the comments I left has as well deleted the comments she left on my blog. But they will be recovered.
No no no... I do understand you mean no offense, but your facts are off here.... I don't mind you posting anything I said that's fine, he came onto my site when I had a pic of clinton flipping the bird, and he went on to say that he must be giving bush the finger... So i deleted it, I had a few pics on there of people flipping the bird and he commented just about that one... Oh it doesn't matter, i wish i hadn't deleted it now, it really wasn't a big deal, i just dislike politics. Anyhow, after i deleted it, I sent him this email:
"Okay so I’ve never emailed you before…. This is Rebecca from blog world, I go by Becky obviously…. Anywho, please keep personal politics off my blog, I don’t like them at all! I don’t believe what so ever in political parties, especially not the republicans or democrats, REPUBLICRATS…. All the same to me, please don’t say bad things about our president on my site anymore, he is after all the leader of our country, you have a right to dislike him, but you don’t have to do it on my blog. I don’t mean to be a bitch at all, I just don’t like politics….
Thanks much! And Happy Middle finger Monday! :-D Oh, and purty please keep this email address between us…. "
And that was really all that was said, I never asked him to not come to my site, just to not comment on politics.
exseno, we are so lucky when it comes to freedom of speech.
i only delete comments that are overtly sexual and disgusting. i think those are a violation of my rights as a blogger, and i refuse to have filth posted on my site.
i think it's wrong to attack someone on their blog...after all, no one's forcing you to comment.
it amazes me what people say...they will question anything. bring up a TV show...they accuse you of watching too much TV. i guess it just comes with the territory.
thanks for bringing up this issue!! like you said, we're so lucky to have freedom of speech. :)
Rebecca & Mojo,
Thank you both for comming to this post today, I was hoping that you would.
I hope that you both realize that I was very careful to say that I didn't know if I was right or not,
My post was not so much about your post Rebecca as it was intended more to be about freedom of speech.
But I am very glad that you were able to come here and clear things up.
I sincerely hope it helps the both of you.
Maybe you can both laugh about it later.
I do remember some of your Middle finger Mondays Rebecca, lol
Thanks for coming!!
Well thank you Exseno, If I am political at all, there is one thing I feel strongly about and those are the rights of the constitution. It really enrages me to hear about the FCC trying to ban us to speak our minds in yet another place, like now cable television! Cable t.v. was made for us swearing and speaking our minds, if people don't like it they shouldn't get it, nameley the members of the FCC!
Thanks Exseno! :-D
Your welcome, anytime. Mojo & Rebecca, Both of you, You know I love ya!!
EXSENO, I love your "but analogies". (Everyone don't read that in a weird sexual way - inside joke.)
I learned a whole new way at reading people because of what you taught me with that little "but lesson". Thank you!
What's this but lesson about?! I wanna know.....
Speaking of Freedom of Speech, have you noticed the flag this blog option up top of our blogs now!
Hmmmmmm, no I never noticed it until you mentioned it. Wonder when that happen. I also wonder why it's backwords?? Have you clicked on it?
Below is what I found out about this new "flag"
**What is the "Flag" button?
This feature is called "Flag As Objectionable" and it's accessible via the Blogger Navbar. The "Flag?" button allows the blogging community to easily note questionable content, which in turn helps us take action when needed. So we're relying on you, the users, to be our eyes on the web, and to let us know of potential issues that are important to you.
Why We Created "Flag As Objectionable"
It is our strong belief that blogs help make the Web an important medium of self-expression; Blogger has given a voice to millions of people. Our users gossip, joke, rant, publish, share, and on occasion might post potentially objectionable stuff. We generally do not review the content posted through our service but our responsibility extends beyond Blogger users to casual readers of Blog*Spot.
The "Flag?" button is a means by which readers of Blog*Spot can help inform us about potentially questionable content, so we can prevent others from encountering such material by setting particular blogs as "unlisted." This means the blog won't be promoted on Blogger.com but will still be available on the web — we prefer to keep in mind that one person's vulgarity is another's poetry. Or something like that.
For more serious cases, such as spam blogs or sites engaging in illegal activity, we will continue to enforce our existing policies (removing content and deleting accounts when necessary).
Here's How It Works
When a person visiting a blog clicks the "Flag?" button in the Blogger Navbar, it means they believe the content of the blog may be potentially offensive or illegal. We track the number of times a blog has been flagged as objectionable and use this information to determine what action is needed. This feature allows the blogging community as a whole to identify content they deem objectionable. Have you read The Wisdom of Crowds? It's sort of like that.**
No I sure have'nt? Hmmm I need to get with the program don't I.
no problems or ill will here.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrreat, I'ed hate to lose one of my favorite places to go to. It was much more meant to be a post about freedom of speech.
Freedom is a wonderful thing but somehow I can't help but think that more and more they are banning things and taking them away from us and If we don't start and up roar about it now We are not going to be a democracy anymore but a communist country that is where we are heading look around people open your eyes.
Funny you should say that, while you were gone I wrote a post on that exact same thing with some of those exact words in it, but have'nt published it yet.
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