You meet someone new and you strike up a conversation. You run into them several times and talk. You develop and attraction for this person and the feeling is mutual. So you make the first move.
You begin to date. You become intimate , you are happy. You fall in love and you can't wait for those times when you can talk to each other, see each other, hold each other.
Isn't love grand! What's that expression-- Ah yes, it's like walking on cloud nine. It's like the whole world is invisible except for the two of you. The two of you, that's all that matters , that's all that counts. He is attentive and she is sweet, if only you could foresee the future.
After a period of time one of you begins to notice things about the other that you're not to happy about, your feeling hurt, but you sluff it off as just a bad day. Then another bad day and another.
You are not married, you are not engaged, you are only two adults dating but you begin to notice other traits that you don't like. Your dating partner becomes dominant, selfish and has no regaurd for your needs only theirs. It gets worse , but you still feel something for them until one day you finally reach your breaking point and you want out.
You try to be decent . You would like to end it , but as nicely as possible. You've had relationships before and so have they, so why not end it and still be able to be civil and polite if you should meet again. You've never had a problem before, you still run into old dating friends and each of you smile and say a few kind words, then each of you go on your way. So why should this be any different. Ya Think?
Ah, but this time it is different, the selfish person won't let go. Why sould they , you live far enough apart so that they can have their cake and eat it too. Oh come on, you know they cheat on you when your gone. You've seen the tell, tell signs, You just didn't want to admit it to yourself when you were still smitten .
You've gotten your tail in a crack , haven't you? They won't let go. No matter what you do, what you say, they just won't go away. They bother you everywhere. They talk as thow they never heard a word you said. They bother you at home, at work , with friends. You are sorry you ever met them. Hmmmmmmm-- sounds vagely familar, reminds me of a post on stalking that I just wrote awhile back.
What are you going to do??? Learn by this experience so that it will never happen again.
Rules for the one who wants out:
Rule #1. Attraction and sex are great but don't mistake it for love.
Rule #2. Don't promise or commet to anything in the beginning.
Rules# 3. All people have more then one side to their personality an intillectual side and a stupid side a silly, happy, sad and angry side. Get to know them all!!!! You may find out that a monster lurks from within.
Rule #5 If it isn't working out for the both of you -- It isn't working at all. Stop seeing them. End it. Politely?? Of course why not.
Rule #6 When all else fails -- Go for the throat. Be rude if you have to . Ignore. Go to court if you have to. But make them get it thru their head they must leave you alone.
Rules for the one who is being broken up with:
Rules # 1. It is never easy when you are the one that doesn't want out. But it has to be good for both or it will just get worse. So let go.
Rule#2. Keep your dignity, making a fool of yourself doesn't help a thing, and makes you look bad to others.
Rule # 3. If the ex. doesn't want to hear from you. Stop. Constantly wanting to explain something or giving your views on something from the past is just a way of keeping things going and in the end it doesn't work anyway. So when you feel like doing it refer to rule#2.
Rule # 4 If you can't let go , you're probably someone who is not independent. Learn to be independent( I don't mean work, I mean emotionally) that way you'll learn to be happy with or without a date.
Rule #5 Admit that it's over to yourself and get on with your life. There's millions of people in this world and if it didn't work out the ex. he/she wasn't the right one. Someone will turn up and be just right for you.
(Dedicated to a friend, with whom I have something in commen)
(Mr. Brightside)
How did you see it , hahaha I posted and pulled it back in to change the picture and found your comment when I threw it back up. I was shocked.
You sure read fast. lol
Wise woman, you are.
(Something Yoda would have said, if he'd ever met you :) I agree with him.
Then maybe you should also have them read the one a few post down, I think it's july28 title is
"Do You Know A Stalker" They are true stories.
To many things Partway, to many things.
Wow.. this was definatly a kick-in-the-throat, step-all-on-my-toes wake up call. Wow. I can't even think of anything else to say, but wow. I just don't get how this works when one truely loves, and it's neither the sex nor attraction providing the allusion of love. How do you just stop loving? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEONE TELL ME HOW!
What's odd is while I respect scarlett's comment, on the other hand I don't believe I am affraid to live life alone, and I am very independent. I am just stong willed I guess. I don't like taking no for an answer in work so it's hard for me to take no for an answer in my personal life too-- when it's something that I really want.
It takes a lot to get my interested, and it takes a whole lot to get me to forget about something that I thought was good enough to want in the first place. yeah it made sense in my head... sorry to post a post on your post's comment's section! LOL
Miss krys,
You and I are not afraid to live alone,(in fact I loved it) but some people are and they will stay in a bad or even abusive relationship,so that they do not have to be alone. I believe that is what scarlet, is speaking of.
Life time lessons. If only every one sees a point there.
Yes Shirazi,
I agree if only?? IF, such a big word with so few letters. Well all I can do is put it up there and hope it helps some passerby.
I love that song Mr. Brightside because it's a catchy tune, but I also hate it at the same time - depresses me.
I love it too. A close second for me if BLVD by Greene Day.
I didnt post a comment but this made me think about my own situation.
It's not so easy...
Rachael is currently is wallowing...
well If your unhappy tell them to leave you alone!! If you are the one being dumped then get over it sometimes it is hard to do but pick your pride up off of the floor and carry your butt on. there is another one out there somewhere and please do not reduce your self to the utilmate clue that I am a nut!!! when someone tells you it is over leave them alone don't call them don't get your friends or family to call them and do not tell them I am going to kill myself. I had one stupid guy tell me {after calling and calling and finally changing my phone number} that he was going to get in his daddy's truck and drive down a back road and blow his head off because I wouldn't go out with him any more. My response to this was
Don't call my up cring you ignorant fuck and try to play little mind games with me don't think for one second that you are going to lay a guilt trip on me If you are going to blow your head off do it don't call me up and tell me about it I don't care you will get no pity here I tell you what I will do for you I will supply the bullet for you to blow your head off with now go to hell and leave me alone.!!!!
He never called me again but everytime my friends and I went to a club and if I danced with anyone he would tell them what are you dancing with my old lady for???? WTF!!! I finally to told him off right there in the club after the mucic went down and everyone could hear it He never bothered me again. I know I am a mean ass bitch but hey. You can not no matter how hard you try to make someone love you and vise versa just leave people alone or get on with your owm life.
O.K. Rachael,
Stop, wallowing it's not allowed. You've been doing really well so give yourself a treat. By the way did you get the new hair style????
now i'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab we'll she lighting a smoke and she's takn a drag aaaaaaaaaaaaah.ugh it's in my head make it go away!!!!!!!!!!.
FWL-I love that song!
Exseno-great post and very sage advise! Love will make you act really stupid, but in the end you will be glad you did not make a fool of yourself!
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