Dearly departed together again!
You too can have your loved one with you
forever with a 'diamond ring' from LifeGem.

LifeGem, created a diamond made from the ashes of cremated remains, So far they make them in two colors blue and yellow.
How do they do this by using super-hot ovens to transform ashes to graphite and then pressing the stones into blue and yellow diamonds that are put into ring settings that retail for anywhere from 2,700 to 20,000 dollars. One cremation will make about 20 gems.
Diamonds, diamonds, everywhere. I'm sure it won't be long before they figure out a way to make them in any color your heart desires. So go ahead order one, it will be a way to have him still hanging around, forever -- on your finger, that is.

Am I the only one thinking, YUK ! This is so wrong?
I wonder how long before some crazed grave digger
decides to bury an empty casket and go into the
diamond business?
How did they knew this would work to begin with???
You too can have your loved one with you
forever with a 'diamond ring' from LifeGem.

LifeGem, created a diamond made from the ashes of cremated remains, So far they make them in two colors blue and yellow.
How do they do this by using super-hot ovens to transform ashes to graphite and then pressing the stones into blue and yellow diamonds that are put into ring settings that retail for anywhere from 2,700 to 20,000 dollars. One cremation will make about 20 gems.
Diamonds, diamonds, everywhere. I'm sure it won't be long before they figure out a way to make them in any color your heart desires. So go ahead order one, it will be a way to have him still hanging around, forever -- on your finger, that is.

Am I the only one thinking, YUK ! This is so wrong?
I wonder how long before some crazed grave digger
decides to bury an empty casket and go into the
diamond business?
How did they knew this would work to begin with???
Hod did they even think about it to begin with?
Although... my ex... hmmm... as of right now that's about all the good my ex is worth. I keep praying he'll change...
my pic is gone again... What's up with that?
Gina, it looks like they are all there now.
really, who would've thought of this? i'm not sure people were intended to made into jewelry!!
8-\ Odd...
is this for real of just a hoax???
it's kinda weird, don't you think? wearing something from someone's ashes??? IF the person was a good individual when s/he was still alive , then it won't be scary, but what if s/he was a horrible one then s/he put some curse.... and... and...
arghhh... i don't wanna think about it
BUT maybe it's a good way to keep one's ashes, instead of spreading it over the sea/mountain???
It's for real, it was on the news. It even had a picture of the ring.
Exseno... no more emails saying my message could not be delivered! Yea!
My uncle is a jeweler and specializes in rare gems and in particular diamonds in his shop. I'll have to run this past him and see if he has heard of this and his thoughts on it.
You know what they say, a diamond is forever and a diamond is a girl's best friend. Hey, that's why my name is DIAMONDKT! Just teasing.
Here is what I am thinking...second time marriage tryers. You know if your first wife kicked the bucket, use her cremated ashes as the foundation for your next wife! Yeah, take her dead carcass and turn it into a shinny stone to place on the finger of your new bride who will now be taking her place in your house, bed, ect. Sweet right?
The wedding would be off, if someone did that to me!!!
i have nooo idea that diamondkt has some psycho side in him... :D just kidding...
Exseno your posts are always soo good. Where do you find all this stuff?
Well I can tell you there are a few of my exes that I would like cremated right now! But turning them into gems? Nah...thats just too creepy.
The process of Man-made diamonds has been around for a while. They use man-made diamonds on drill bits for cutting thru rock to get to that precious petro.
The idea of wearing a dead person on your finger or your ear is just a tad bit morbid.
I could see satanists and mystics wanting to wear these things in hopes of harvesting the residual spirit power of the deceased....
Now with it put in that light, do you still want to buy one?
Snicker, snicker, snicker!
satanists and mystics. Good idea Mojo, I never thought of that, so there is a market for them after all. The new aricle I read said so far they have only had eleven orders for the gems. hmmmm, maybe they all belong to the same grounp??
It was on the news 'Today video player on the net', complete with a picture of one of the rings.
Ah! I aspire to be in fingers of 20 beautiful ladies ;-)
'ka that was only psycho side #4 that you saw, I have at least 20 more! :P
I think you might be telling the truth Diamdondkt. I have a psycho side I'm going to post about one day soon.
I can't wait for that! Make the post soon, like now! :P
oh my... even exseno has a psycho side as well??? am i the only angelic one here??? ;) LOL
'ka, I have a feeling you are no more "angel" than me! :P
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