Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Since this was in the news in december and said printable view and you could e-mail to a friend, I didn't think they would mind me putting it on my blog. At least I hope not. Maybe he'll look at it this way, he's getting some free publicitly although I doubt that he needs it.

The Best Way to Pick Up a Girl at Starbucks?
Posted by Shawn Gold on Tue, Dec 27, 2005, 9:21 am PST
Provided by: The Guide to Laughing at Love
Because I have a lot of female friends, a guy friend at work who is a bit shy asked me, “What is the best way to pick up a girl at Starbucks?” Hmmmm, I thought, not sure. And why Starbucks? But I decided to put some thought into it. Please share your comments.

First of all, breaking the ice is a common dilemma. Humor is always the best approach, but not everyone is funny, and you run the biggest risk of sounding like a loser. If you try to be funny and you're really not, you are a loser. So I think the safest approach is to be real and be interested.

Say hello. If she is reading, ask her about it. Ask her if it's “acceptable to approach a woman in a coffee shop.” In truth, she may not be interested in talking to you, but as a general rule, she is more likely to forgive you for a forced opportunity than for missing the opportunity entirely.

Once you break the ice, the best way to pick up a girl is to try and meet the person, not the sex. Say hey, hello, how are you — with a warm smile. Ask her about herself and actually listen to what she has to say with her voice and with her eyes. If you do get that conversation going, don’t be wishy-washy and overly agreeable, especially if you’re not. Women (and people) like the confidence in a man who knows what he likes.

And as far as asking her out goes, one big mistake men make is waiting to the last minute, like walking her to her door before they ask a woman out. If things are going well and it seems like it would be enjoyable to continue the conversation at another time and place, and then ask her. Waiting to the last minute seems too contrived.


Blogger David Stehle said...

I would think all of that is common sense to a guy, but maybe not to all men. I wish I could say I learned something new by reading that, but I didn't. :P

I'm confident in my game. Sure at times I get a little rattled, we all do, but the key is to be yourself. She will find out sooner or later if you can't hold a conversation or if you aren't sincere in your interest in her. It will show over time, it always does.

When all else fails, you can always pass her a note that asks...

Do you like me?
Check a box. Yes, no, maybe.

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your confident in your game? lol I had a guy try to hit on me once at starbucks didn't work because he kept starring at me before he even said hi. Big turn off.
I am checking the box no.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm.. starbucks..

there was a guy who was trying to make a move while i was buying my coffee. he was too nervous, he didn't do anything 'til i walked away. it was too late for him. but then he bought a rose, walked for couple blocks to find me and gave the rose :D felt kinda weird, but hey, who isn't happy to receive a flower? :D

6:51 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

I think I believe in what you are saying. Beauty is a wonderful gift but it fades. But a good persality, make a person prettier with getting to know them.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Becky said...

I remember those little notes, do you like me, circle yes, no, maybe.... lol Too cute!

9:13 AM  

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