Monday, February 06, 2006


There was this old man and old lady that lived in our small town. Every year they grew fresh vegetables, beautiful vegetables and sold them off the back of their vehicle.
Sometimes you would see them on the side of main street at the edge of town, sometimes in a parking lot and sometimes they would park up town on the square. None of the stores seemed to mind even if they were parked by their store, it was their way of making a living and they did it proudly.
One thing everyone knew for sure whether selling vegetables or shopping or just going somewhere you would never, ever see one without the other. I can't remember one time in all those years that I ever saw one without seeing the other.

There is a bad curve on the Hwy just coming into town and one day someone told me they were in a terrible wreck, I wondered if that was where it happened. Of course I asked if they were alright and she hit me with the punch line no they died, both of them.

I thought and even said out loud. Oh my God, they did everything together and the Lord let them go to heaven together too. How befitting. I felt terrible, yet at the same time comforted in the thought that they were able to leave this world, and go on to another in the same way in which they had lived.

Always together.


Blogger fairygirl701 said...

Poor things, in some way I envy them b/c they will never know the pain of losing each other. **HUGGS** I feel for my mom, I know she has to be so lonely. She has said she never wants to date again, but she is only 60 not dead! I know she's got to want to.

4:09 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

So sweet. A happy ending...

6:31 PM  
Blogger Anisa said...

wow. i hope that i get to live a long, happy life and am not without bert for too long as well.

how fitting that the Lord let them leave this world together so they would never be alone.

beautiful love story.

11:58 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

As the person said at Coretta Kings funeral service:

Together at last
Together at last....

6:06 AM  
Blogger Id it is said...

That could just as well be the 'perfect ending'
(reference - your previous post) for the two.

1:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i remember them and it was so sweet

10:22 AM  

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