Wednesday, April 18, 2007


April 16, 2007, Cho Seung-Hui, 23,an intelligent young man who seemed to come from a solid home with two parents, Went on a shooting spree at Virginia Tech University. When he was done 33 people were dead, including the gunman, and 12 people are in hospitals wounded. He was a student there.
In the year 2005 he was accused of stalking two female students and had been taken to a mental health facility after his parents worried that he might be suicidal.
It is said that he wasn't very social in school and even through he lived in a dorm with two roommates he never really spoke with them, if they tried to strike up a conversation he would answer with one word and not respond very much at all. What bothered this young man so deeply as to cause him to do something so tragic, so drastic, so horrific.

Why did he do it?

Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, two intelligent young men who came from solid homes with two parents, enacted an all out assault on Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.
Their plan was to kill hundreds of their peers with guns, knives and bombs.
The two boys walked the hallways and killed. When the day was done, twelve students, one teacher, and the two murderers were dead.
These boys seemed to be doing just fine. They did normal teenager activities. They worked together in a local pizza parlor, liked to play Computer games in the afternoons, and even worried about finding a date to the prom.

So why, why did they do it?

They left behind for others to find journals, notes and videos,telling of how they felt. Klebold had been thinking of committing suicide as early as 1997 and they both had begun thinking about a large massacre as early as April 1998 - a full year before the actual event.

In high school, the two boys' found it difficult to fit into any of the cliques.* As is too common in high school, the boys found themselves frequently picked on by athletes and other students.

Could this be the Why?

What could cause such drastic measures? Is it peer pressure? The longing to be one of the group? The rejection by others? The feeling of inadequacy that others bestow upon you through their stares and jeers as you walk by.
Will we ever know?

Can you answer the question--Why?


Blogger AVIANA said...


Thanks for stopping by! I'm not sure if there is an answer. I think it's a mixture of things. Who they are as a person, how they are treated.... No one will ever fully understand. I think coming up with an explanation helps ease the soul a bit. It gives some type of answer that we can't really attain. I'm not sure...


12:09 PM  
Blogger Sannie said...

I think we'll never know the real why. You can read what they left behind... but is it realy what they were thinking and felt... don't know.

It's always a sad, sad, sad story

1:49 AM  
Blogger Id it is said...

Insanity perhaps; but hard to palate considering the murderer waited an entire month to buy a second gun,left one first murder site to make a self video carrying guns and lots of ammo, and then proceeded to massacre some 30 innocents in cold blood!

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the thought of doing something like this crosses the mind of every single person at least once during school life - be it thought sof suicide or slaughter, you cannot help the thoughts.

Just think back to your own school days, I GAURENTEE that you can remember something that caused you mental anguish to the level of wishing either you or another party were dead.

I guess these people just couldn't let go, something inside stopped the letting go process that you and I achieved. some people let slights and humiliations build up behind the facade of letting go until all that matters is the need to 'show everyone' they may not even know who the 'everyone' is that they intend to show..

The real shame is that nobody ever notices them.

4:39 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Nope, have to say I never had those kind of thoughts. That kind of pressure didn't exsist when I went to school. There were clicks, but they left each other alone.

6:27 AM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

hmm @ why did he do it? I am afraid whatever bizarre reason it may be .. he can be the only one to tell you. And he might give you 10 reasons of why he did it. It can be many things .. many things to blame other than him.

2:35 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

"many things to blame other than him."
So true. So very, very true. It is so much easier to blame everyone but ones self.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Nabeel said...

I agree .. but other things are an important factor .. one thing I am sure of is bad parenting .. he didn't have parents, perhaps, that he could go to and explain his issues and such. No guidance. Or perhaps he was upset at the priests molesting children .. but then again it was not a Catholic school.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Capt. C said...

We will never know the reason or reasons behind this type of tragedy. The fact is that there is no "real" reason to do this kind of murder.

There are hardships in everyone's life. The truth is that MOST hardships that occur in one's life is becasue of choices that they made. It is like I tell my children, "That was your choice, now deal with it." Believe it or not, they usually don't do it again. I don't bail them out every time, I allow them to work and think about a better decision.

The generation today has experienced a lot of failure: stock markets, corporate scandals, war, government, catholic molestations (which the Priest got away with), etc..

The bottom line is that "I" am responsible for "my" actions. Until we re-introduce this concept into society - expect more of this type of behavior.

1:18 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Capt. C,
I just don't ever remember this kind of thing happening when I was a teenager.

3:27 PM  
Blogger Capt. C said...

You are right - either it didn't happen or it wasn't on TV. There was a shooting at the University of TX during the 60's where around 15 students were shot and killed (I don't remember the actual number) - I could look it up, but I am about to eat.

But, your generation seems to be the last generation that took responsibility for their actions. I wish we could get that back.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Capt. C said...

You are right - either it didn't happen or it wasn't on TV. There was a shooting at the University of TX during the 60's where around 15 students were shot and killed (I don't remember the actual number) - I could look it up, but I am about to eat.

But, your generation seems to be the last generation that took responsibility for their actions. I wish we could get that back.

4:36 PM  

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