Siberian police arrest bear for begging
A bear is reportedly being detained in a police cell after being arrested for begging in the western Siberian city of Divnogorsk.
According to the RIA-Novosti news agency, police picked up the female bear after reports she had been cajoling food from drivers parked at a roadside cafe.
"Capturing the bear didn't require much effort," a local police commander told the news agency, adding that the bear had obviously lived with humans for a long time.
She appeared to have fled from her owner or had been abandoned like a "useless toy", the officer said.
Despite her apparent familiarity with humans and good behaviour, the bear has been put behind bars, although the officer stressed it would be a temporary detention.
"We are feeding her honey and cake," he said.
Managers of the zoo in nearby Krasnoyarsk have refused to take the animal, saying they already had plenty of bears.
A former circus trainer has offered to give the bear a home if its owner doesn't come forward within two days.
The beggar is the second bear to be picked up this summer by police in Divnogorsk, a city of 30,000 on the Yenisey river, which is surrounded by dense Siberian forest or taiga.
But what is so sad is that the bear was lost and very friendly. I feel so sorry for it.
at least the bear now has 3 hots and a cot.... proverbially speaking that is.
as for atlanta, at least the homeless will the same....
Such a cute bear! awwwww. Who would just throw away a perfectly good, sweet, friendly bear!? I'll take it! Does it like puppies!?
I think he was extremely gentle more then most trained bears. I hope the zoo does'nt get him. I keep hoping they'll have a follow up story?? I'm Hoping his owner is looking for him, hope,hope.
my goodness! why make up stuff when truth is stranger than fiction??
Perhaps I should of told the game commissioner that my backyard bear tried selling me crack cocaine last week. Then maybe they would actually come out and take him away too.
HA ha ha ha ha diomand!That was funny!
Oh, that's right I forgot about your bear. What if he was friendly. Na
It's a good thing that bear wasn't misbehaving in the U.S. of A. We would have have shot her dead on the scene and the police chief would have have the creature's head taxidermied.
A safe place to sleep, honey and cake?
That is better than a lot of humans have it as we are all too familiar with after recent events in Louisiana.
Poor bear! Can i take her home to my mom?
I'm sure there are friendly crack heads, but they need to be taken away too...just like my bear.
I see people having bear as a show and begging. What about them.
I think they are going to let a circus have the bear and they put on shows with bears.
Really, I didn't know that.
This is so fuuny....the Siberian police can share their expertise with
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