Thursday, April 06, 2006


My problem with the immigration issue, is that there should be no issue!!
If you came here illegally you should have to go back and apply to come back into the country legally just like everyone else has to do.

Yes I feel sorry for the Mexican people that are striving for a better life and my heart truly goes out to anyone in their position, but the fact is they have broken the law and now the government wants to change the law to accommodate their crime.

What about all of the people around the world that are not connected to us by land and can not sneak across a border to get here? What does this say to them. People from Greece, Italy, India, Germany and all around the world.
These people have to apply for a visa for entry into the U.S. and wait their turn for acceptance. Some of them wait for years, some of them never make it at all because, if I remmeber the immigration laws correctly we only accept a certain number per year.
If this has changed over the years please fill free to correct me. It has been a long time since I have been involved with immigration issues, but being of Greek decent I have seen many people come to America on visitors visas or work visas , and try to stay here or apply for an extension, only to be turned down and sent back. I have also seen some foreigners not go back when their visa expired but the immigration agents would find them and they would be sent back to their own country. Deported without mercy.

If the government changes the law to accommodate this crime then I think they should change the law for all of the women that have been sitting in prisons for years everywhere, who in their desperation murdered their abusive husbands. In the years past when there was no law to help a women living with , separated from, or even divorced from an abusive man what alternative did she have but to protect herself, the law wouldn't do it. So please Mr. President, release them all they didn't commit murder it was self defense!

Sen. John McCain gave a speech at a union leaders meeting in Arizona, here is a small portion of what he said and how the crowd responded.

' immigrants were taking jobs nobody else wanted. He offered anybody in the crowd $50 an hour to pick lettuce in Arizona.
Shouts of protest rose from the crowd, with some accepting McCain's job offer.
"I'll take it!" one man shouted.
McCain insisted none of them would do such menial labor for a complete season. "You can't do it, my friends."
Some in the crowd said they didn't appreciate McCain questioning their work ethic. '

I realize that $50 is an over statement, but I live in a state where minimum wage is only $5.15 an hour and jobs of any kind are not plentiful Yet we have illegal Mexican families here in our town working while some of the people that were raised in this town are out of work. Many of the Mexican families also receive food stamps and medical care.

Why does this happen? It doesn't happen because the people that live here won't work on these farms, it happens because of the greed of the farm owners. It is a benefit to them to hire illegals because they will work for less money, even $1.00 per hr. less is a big savings at the end of the year for the employer.

So please Mr. McCain don't say the people here won't work. They are simply being outbid for the jobs in question. True enough they won't work for less then minimum wage, which in this state is pretty much poverty pay anyway. Yet to buy food or a vehicle here cost more then most states that have higher minimum wages.


Blogger Becky said...

Unfortunately there is a deeper issue with immigration, sending them back to Mexico could prove to be very dangerous, or worse yet if they made it a felony as they proposed to do... This could be so very dangerous, do you realize there are so many immigrants now that they could really start a problem. We have the MS13 gang all around this area I live, these are some dangerous thugs to say the least. Why I can recall about a half a year to a year ago, someone getting their hand cut off, and we have stabbings all the time related to this gang. This gang is practically all illegal immigrants! There are so many immigrants now they could start some kind of messed up civil war and start killing a lot of people.

I blame evil men for all of this happening, the Mexicans wouldn't have come here unless they had work to do, and who was giving them work, some evil men who realized "hey this is really cheap labor, let's get them across the border and make them work for us for pennies." So now, we have immigrants that have had lots and lots of children here and the kids are all Americans, after all they were born here!

The issue has gone on so long now... Honestly, it's such a quagmire I wonder if there is really any plausible solution other than comprimising and just living with them....

5:43 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Of cours you are very right, it is a big, big problem and I realize their children are citizens here.

I don't mind living with anyone Becky, there isn't any race of people that I am prejedice against. I have a grandchild that is half Mexican.
For me the issue is not the Mexican people their self, it is the issue that when this sort of thing first started happening we didn't take enough action to put a stop to it when it was a fairly new thing, of course that was years ago. The people who employ any illegals of any nationality should have to account for their actions also.
But I realize running people across the border has become over the years a huge and very dangerous business.
It's just so unfair to other people all over the world that have to apply and wait and sometimes lose hope. They want their chance to come here too.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Becky said...

I totally agree, thus my rant on the "evil man" that is giving them work but not actual legal status in the U.S.

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm I think I am going to leave this one alone...for

9:46 AM  

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