I had already read that the Judge in London had made his ruling in favor of the author Dan Brown of "The Da Vinci Code," but this morning I found a new article about the case that I found most interesting and amusing.
It seems that a Lawyer Dan Tench, in reading the Judges ruling found that every so often there was a letter that was 'italicized'. At first he thought it was a mistake, until he realized that the italicized letters in the first few paragraphs spelled out "smith code."
He went on to find many more italicized letters and this is what it looks like,
"smithcodeJaeiextostpsacgreamqwfkadpmqz." (I bet the 'J' is for Jesus, you figure out the rest.)
He hasn't broken the rest of the code yet, and it seems that Judge Smith is not talking.
A Judge, with a sense of humor -- AWESOME !
Read the full text here:
I think you will enjoy it, I did.
It seems that a Lawyer Dan Tench, in reading the Judges ruling found that every so often there was a letter that was 'italicized'. At first he thought it was a mistake, until he realized that the italicized letters in the first few paragraphs spelled out "smith code."
He went on to find many more italicized letters and this is what it looks like,
"smithcodeJaeiextostpsacgreamqwfkadpmqz." (I bet the 'J' is for Jesus, you figure out the rest.)
He hasn't broken the rest of the code yet, and it seems that Judge Smith is not talking.
A Judge, with a sense of humor -- AWESOME !
Read the full text here:
I think you will enjoy it, I did.
hmm... i wonder what it means... let us know if someone solves it :D
Well, I 've already read this book, what about the movie? it's commin' out soon.
They 've shown Jesus as a normal human 'n' a good teacher who got married also. I'm gonna watch the movie, even when my Priest has already asked me not to. LOL!
God bless you.....
I have'nt read the book, nor have I read the other one.
You'll have to give us a review on the movie.
Have you seen the movie 'Stigmata. I didn't like it but I was very interested in the secret papers that the priest wanted to find. I never could quite catch the name that he called them.
well isn't that just neat...lol
Am I the only one alive that has never read "The Da Vinci Code"? Does that make me an illiterate moron for just admitting that?
If you're a moron the I am too, I haven't read it yet either. I want to buy the book. I also want to see the movie.
the best fact that i learned about the DaVinci Code was the "PHI" concept .. do u remember? PHI is one H prettier than PI .. it's the Godly Proportion.
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