Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Politics is definitely a stinky business and the Bailout plan is one of the worst plans around. I realize that our economy is in a great deal of trouble, but come on the funds have already been misused. It seems that some of the CEO's of 'AIG' got together and decided to take a vacation at our expense. A very expensive vacation at that.

Well why not. We're the dummies that are paying for it, for now and forever.
Then to add insult to injury, it was announced on the television and all that was said about it was that the public deserved an apology.

Well crap on their apology. This is how I feel about it and this is what I wrote to my congress and every public official that I could write to.
I am outraged that so soon in the game, the money that that was appropriated to help businesses is already scandalously being miss appropriated at the expense of the public and all that was said about it was that these CEO's that used this money to take a very expensive vacation need to apologize to the public? Apologize???? I don't think so!

Excuse me but since when is miss appropriations of funds ' NOT ' a crime.
So if this is going to be written off as ' they deserved their bonus pay ', I'm sorry but that is totally unacceptable.

This is blatant theft and I for one want nothing less then prosecution!
I don't want an apology, I want action!

Yes I think the Bailout plan stinks. As a matter of fact as long as I'm venting I may as well add that, I think this whole Presidential election campaign stink as well. I haven't seen this much 'mud slinging' in a long time. What's wrong with running on your own values instead of tearing down someone Else's.

This is the first Time in all my years of being a voter that I have had a problem making a decision on who to vote for.
I have never had trouble deciding who I wanted for President usually pretty early in the game I could tell without a doubt who I wanted but not this time.
This time I have a problem with both candidates. Obama, McCain, McCain, Obama. Which will be the lesser of the two evils.

When McCain came up with Palin I thought smart move, a woman for VP will get you a lot of women's votes and it looked promising for him when she first came on the scene. But frankly,now (Shush this is between you and me), I think she's proved herself to be a bit of an egotistical ding bat and I wish she'd take Mr. Six pack and go home.
Sorry but it's getting old. Frankly cutesy cutesy just doesn't get it. I want to see a smart well informed woman up there, not someone winking and blurting out nonsense.

Why anyone would even want to run for President with all these problems is beyond me. I certainly wouldn't want to take this mess on.

I wouldn't dream of asking you who you are going to vote for because I think it's a personal decision and I don't want to start any wars on my blog.
But I would like to know who you think is doing better in their campaigns and debates if you care to comment.


Blogger Life Of An Emt said...

I am with you on not being able to decide who to vote for this term...... this bail out plan is a disaster on top of another disaster which is going to cause more of a problem down the road.....and i am sorry they are not going to prosecute anyone for this..... why should they... our tax money will pay for it like it always does. I am tired of the kings living off of our taxes and i am tired of being a servant to the kings but what do you do? the more i make the more they take.. I think i have finally come to the realization that we are not a democracy any more and haven't been for years I just refused to believe this....but i am not sure what we are? other than peasants no one cares about while the hierarchy plays and basks in our sweat and the money we make them. and the money our government prints out for them to have a retirement to be able to go a nice have the best health care money can by. to have gourmet food on there pristine tables... designer clothes..I am just a little tired of it and feel helpless that there is nothing that we the people can do about it. because we are no longer for "we the people of the united states" its more or less sorta like a survival of the fittest theory any more... those with money can will and do get their way no matter who they have to step on or what laws they have to break..... those without money have to stand by and watch the rich get richer by means of our government and our hard work. while we get little or no health care..have to scrap to buy what little food we can and most not even being healthy food because the healthier food is to expensive and don't fit in our budget..have to pay the light bill that probably for some is most of their paycheck....I could go on with this but i feel as if i have already wasted my time with my own opinion on the matter and soap box which is probably taxed too so it can go to the big wigs also.

9:29 AM  
Blogger Mampi said...

well, somehow as a tax payer in india, i feel cheated too.
of course there is nothing to beat this present mess we have been landed into. And it is not only you in the US who are suffering, we all are-in whatever part of the world we are.
YOu did a good job in questioning. We all need to do.

9:32 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Life Of An Emt,
Don't feel alone, there is an awful lot of people that feel the same way you do. Probably most of them.

11:54 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

I think what is happening to us here in the US, is going to affect a lot of people around the world.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Id it is said...

I too don't feel positive about what's happening on the political front; the Republican are a dead deal especially since the lady stepped on board. As for the democratic candidate, I would like to believe he'll take us through, but whether he'll deliver what I believe is the question!

Trying times these!

7:02 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Id it is,
At this point I think that even the most intelligent and well informed politician is going to have a very difficult time fixing the mess we are in.

8:01 AM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly about the bailout plan. I run a small business and am SHOCKED that they were bailed out for their poor performance. When our business suffers, we suffer first and foremost. Not so after you reach a certain size (and make political contributions of a similar size...). That is not a problem that can be attributed to either party. Such a shame. I think the mudslinging has gotten way out of hand as well. I have my vote in mind and have for a long time, but that does not mean I do not recognize the dirty media game they both are playing. Twenty days, is it? God help us all!

7:10 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

This is the first time that I have thought about not voting at all because I don't want to regret it if the person I vote for messes things up even worse. I have popped back and fourth between McCain and Obama over and over. Frankly I wish we could have a third person running I probably vote for them.

The Bail out is the worst thing that could have ever happened. It's not a fix, it's just a way for everyone involved in this thing to steal more money. At our expense of course.

10:42 PM  
Blogger Pinku said...

relevant questions not just in the US but everywhere in the world ethics seem to be dipping down to all time lows...much more than the sensex.

It is only about mudslinging and not much else.

As for your take on Palin I think I agree, she is a looker yes, a thinker perhaps not and defiently not a politics savvy person from the look of the reports we have been reading here in India.

Whatever you choice be I hope it brings stability and prosperity to the fragile situation right now.

1:17 AM  
Blogger Akshaya Kamalnath said...

I agree with Pinku...its having a ripple effect all over the world..except China maybe. Its quite terrible that we have to see such times and the FM in India just says calmly that things will get better if we have a bit of patience.

About the presidential campaign...well the debate showed Omama was many notches better..and Palin was just obviously incompetant. About mud-slinging..yeah seems to be happening everywhere...the ugly face of democracy I suppose.

5:46 AM  
Blogger The T-Dude said...

No surprise, I'm sure, but I agree with your assessment of Palin: all looks, no substance.

That being said, I have a lot of friends who think this campaign ios a done deal and it isn't. While Obama may have McCain on the ropes, nothing is finished until the votes are counted. (Or not counted, depending on where you live.)

Swing by my blog for a back of the envelope reckoning on how the electoral college math isn't all sunshine and lollypops for Obama.

4:10 PM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

I agree with you completely. This is a dirty campaign I haven't seen so much mud slinging in a long time.

But one thing that people seem to agree on is Palin.

3:35 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

Akshaya Kamalnath,
I have to agree with you on everything you say. I think at least Obama showed a little more dignity in his speeches.

I was surprise though at how much what happens here is effecting the whole world. I guess that's what I get for not paying more attention to politics in the past.

However I am trying hard to become a better informed person and I am much more active now too.
I have for the first time voice my opinion especially on our financial situation to all of my government officials and I have even received answers back from some of them.
If nothing else it has shown me which politicians care about their public.

3:50 AM  
Blogger EXSENO said...

The T-Dude,
I'll be right there, I'm interested in what you have to say. But I can tell you already that I agree with what you have already said here.

Frankly I think there is going to be a lot of dirty dealing even at the polls. Just like for Bush.

3:55 AM  

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