Sunday, January 01, 2006


Welcome to January two thousand and six. To those of you that had a good year last year I wish for you continued success. For those of us that have struggled through this past year, lets hope the new year brings some relief.

Personally I like to think of each and every year in the same way, for me the new year is the beginning -- the beginning of a whole new adventure. Yes, you read it correctly, an adventure. Stay with me on this people.
Just think about it, twelve new months waiting to be explored. Three hundred and sixty-five days of newness. No one can predict what the future holds.
Ever make plans ahead of time only to find that nothing that is planned ever works out quite how it should.
Well isn't that essentially how life is. We make plans to go to college when we are young some of us go and some of us don't. How many people really marry their childhood sweetheart? Did you end up having the kind of occupation you dreamed of as a kid. I bet most of us did not. After all we can't all be movie stars. hahaha

Life is like the globe constantly turning ever moving and what happens to us in the future depends on many different things for many different people.
You've heard all of the sayings. What works for one doesn't always work for another, what goes up must come down, the best made plans of mice and men and my favorite, 'The road has many turns '. To me, this is the one most like life, because you can't see around that bend until you come to it.

Such is life, you can plan, and plan but what will be will be whether we want it or not. So I think the best any of us can do is be prepared . Prepared to accept or change what ever the future has in store for us for the best made plans are only plans and no one can really see what is around those turns until they come to them.

I would say flexibility is the key don't you think? So if you have to make a plan make it a flexible plan and lets hope that those turns in the road are not to sharp.
As for myself I never make New Years resolutions and the only plan that I ever make is to be prepared for what ever the good Lord throws at me.

So are you ready for your new two thousand and six adventure. Well then--



Blogger lizzyjane said...

Hi exseno!
My mom got the rolling pin from QVC of all places.
It is called a "sil-pin"
Made of silicone.
Good luck!

2:28 PM  
Blogger Id it is said...

What is so new about the New Year? As David Sanger said in the NY Times yesterday, '2006 Is So Yesterday.'
Nice write up.

10:03 AM  
Blogger fairygirl701 said...

Happy New Year@!

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy new year, exseno! :)
wish you all the best always... :)

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yay 12 more adventurist months await me .... I can't wait...forgive if I am not as excited as you are about this... Wonder how many more boyfriends I can find that are still married claiming to be divorced... or nuts that seems to be the one of choice around here...oh goodie another year..*yay*

9:02 PM  
Blogger Anisa said...

wonderful are right...flexibility is key!

8:17 AM  
Blogger Becky said...

Absolutely, I couldn't be more ready for my newest adventure!

10:52 AM  
Blogger mojoala said...

Happy New Year!

11:33 AM  
Blogger David Stehle said...

Nicely said EXSENO. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside too. :P

I guess nobody can predict what's in store for the New Year. The best we can hope for is that it's better than the last...or at least that is my wish.

1:27 PM  

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