Sunday, September 10, 2006


Here we are again, September 11th rolls around to haunt me, you, us and it brings that terrible devastating day back into view. Not that it ever goes away.

Like so many people feeling lucky and secure at living in the USA it was certainly a wake up call to realize there is no safe place for anyone in any country.

I remember the feelings well, first shock and sympathy for all of the people trapped in the buildings and pride in all of the brave rescuers.
The fear that this just might cause another world war. When will the bombs start falling? Where will we hide? We will surely be effected we live within range of an armament. Then the realization that I am now feeling what people in other countries have already felt.
A wake up call that I should have realized a long time ago -- no one is exempt.

To the families who were directly effected by 911, I think you are also very brave, and I Pray that you will continue to find the strength that you need to carry on.

I wrote a poem about 911 and I posted it last year. As poems go, I don't know if it's a good poem or a bad one, I only know it was what my heart felt at the time. I'll leave it for you to judge if you so choose, 'DESTINATION UNKNOWN'.

As a child I used to play with my shadow. It's name was simply, 'Shadow'.
When the sun would shine just right so that I could see Shadow, I would dance with it and sing this old time song called 'Me and My Shadow'.

As an adult I no longer dance with Shadow and although it still follows me, it has a new name, 'Fear'.


Blogger Id it is said...

It's scary when childhood games come back to haunt us isn't it.
Nice poem.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:08 PM  

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