I promise you I won't bore you anymore on the subject of going 'Green', but I did have a few last thoughts on the subject that I would like to share with you.
As we do our small part on trying to help this planet to live on, who else is helping? This has to be a world wide effort or there is no point in trying at all, is there?
I know some people in England are taking it seriously, but what about the other counties around the world, Italy, Greece, Spain, Russia, Bulgaria, Cuba, India, Iran and the list gos on. So where does that leave us?
And if we are responsible for global warming, for the most part I don't think the average everyday family should bear the brunt of the guilt. I think the worst part of our contribution is the cars that we drive, I agree they do pollute the air.
I think the big companies and factories should bear most of the blame with their waste and their big smoke stakes vomiting on us as we drive by in our own little pollution makers.
So how do we remedy this mess? I don't think we can. If there would be any hope at all, I think we would have to give it all up and go back to the horse a buggy and start doing things
'Au Naturel'. But we're not going to do that are we?
Perhaps the Amish have the right idea. Perhaps they understood all along that one should not get used to those convenience's that the rest of us do so enjoy.
Did we pollute our own planet? Of course. Have we ruined our own planet. perhaps to some degree.
However my mind reels just thinking of the possibilities. I find it all so interesting, so intriguing. I wish I could see it to the very end because I think there is one more possibility for what is happening and I wonder how crazy all of you will think I am when I tell you what I really think.
I think we may just be one small part of evolution and our era is ending.
Why not? It all makes sense to me.
Sea creature, Dinosaurs, Prehistoric man and now here we are. We've done our part, our time is ending.
But what comes next? Is this planet coming to an end? The ice is melting, the climate is changing. Is this planet burning up and will it become just another dead planet floating around out there for some other life form to explore.
Are we the last of life on this earth or are we just making way for another life form. A whole new species. One that can live in the new climate change.
Why are scientist suddenly finding new species all over this earth. Are all of these new creatures going to be more adaptable to the new climate form that will exist in the future. Take a look, this is one of many.
This is a normal Squid, look at the eyes. Small and on the sides

This is a newly discovered Squid, look at the eyes huge. Maybe the earth is going to go through a period of darkness and the old Squid will die out and the new Squid will replace it.
With all of the different and new species of creatures that are suddenly being found, I can't help but to think that the earth is not through yet. I don't think that it is going to burn up and roam around space as a dead planet, I think it's just evolving to it's next level.
But if this turns out to be true, what about the human race. Will we die out or will there be survivors. Perhaps mutants like something that we would see in a horror movie. Or will our children's children be born with the proper internal and external physical properties to live in whatever the existing conditions will be in the future.
Think about it. Why isn't just plain old 'Evolution', a possibility?
As we do our small part on trying to help this planet to live on, who else is helping? This has to be a world wide effort or there is no point in trying at all, is there?
I know some people in England are taking it seriously, but what about the other counties around the world, Italy, Greece, Spain, Russia, Bulgaria, Cuba, India, Iran and the list gos on. So where does that leave us?
And if we are responsible for global warming, for the most part I don't think the average everyday family should bear the brunt of the guilt. I think the worst part of our contribution is the cars that we drive, I agree they do pollute the air.
I think the big companies and factories should bear most of the blame with their waste and their big smoke stakes vomiting on us as we drive by in our own little pollution makers.
So how do we remedy this mess? I don't think we can. If there would be any hope at all, I think we would have to give it all up and go back to the horse a buggy and start doing things
'Au Naturel'. But we're not going to do that are we?
Perhaps the Amish have the right idea. Perhaps they understood all along that one should not get used to those convenience's that the rest of us do so enjoy.
Did we pollute our own planet? Of course. Have we ruined our own planet. perhaps to some degree.
However my mind reels just thinking of the possibilities. I find it all so interesting, so intriguing. I wish I could see it to the very end because I think there is one more possibility for what is happening and I wonder how crazy all of you will think I am when I tell you what I really think.
I think we may just be one small part of evolution and our era is ending.
Why not? It all makes sense to me.
Sea creature, Dinosaurs, Prehistoric man and now here we are. We've done our part, our time is ending.
But what comes next? Is this planet coming to an end? The ice is melting, the climate is changing. Is this planet burning up and will it become just another dead planet floating around out there for some other life form to explore.
Are we the last of life on this earth or are we just making way for another life form. A whole new species. One that can live in the new climate change.
Why are scientist suddenly finding new species all over this earth. Are all of these new creatures going to be more adaptable to the new climate form that will exist in the future. Take a look, this is one of many.

This is a newly discovered Squid, look at the eyes huge. Maybe the earth is going to go through a period of darkness and the old Squid will die out and the new Squid will replace it.
With all of the different and new species of creatures that are suddenly being found, I can't help but to think that the earth is not through yet. I don't think that it is going to burn up and roam around space as a dead planet, I think it's just evolving to it's next level.
But if this turns out to be true, what about the human race. Will we die out or will there be survivors. Perhaps mutants like something that we would see in a horror movie. Or will our children's children be born with the proper internal and external physical properties to live in whatever the existing conditions will be in the future.
Think about it. Why isn't just plain old 'Evolution', a possibility?
Evolution or creation? which so you believe in? i believe in creation, so i dont buy your theory.
I believe that freedom of choice is a wonderful thing and I believe in respecting everyones choice to believe in anyway they so desire. So if you desire to call it creation I see nothing wrong with that. I am not a scholar nor am I even a very well educated person and I wouldn't dream of calling this post my theory. These are only my thoughts, my humble opinion.
And I thoroughly enjoyed writing it.
All these questions, giving me a headache...eh??
It was well written...
The world is wonderfully made and I have often been amazed at how nature works....
The most harmful thing to the planet is definitely humans! Sad but true. I was watching Apocalypto last night (which was much better than the reviews it got) Anyways, I looked over at husband and I said, "no offense honey, but if it weren't for men the world would be a much safer place. Men start wars, men rape, men pillage, these are all things women never would do or have done on their own." There's some food for thought. Chris just sat in silence as he couldn't really argue the truth, lol. In hinds sight there have been a few crazy women that have killed many people but they are extremely few and far between, and I'm sure they were encouraged by men.
I'm not so sure Becky, if we didn't have men, women might have been born more aggressive then most of them are today. Right now there are more women joining the service then I have ever seen before.
By the way, is your husband sleeping with one eye opened since you made that comment. lol
I think you may have something there.
Damsel Underdressed,
Me too.
Interesting post. I can't help but throw this silly cliche into the mix - which came first, the chicken or the egg.
Everyone argues about that but,
I have no doubt is was the chicken.
Chris is all man and scared of no one, let alone little old Becky, lol.
hey ther...
i think we all bear the brunt for what's going on with this earth....this world has been in existance for centuries but yet our actions in the past 100 years have caused damages that may never be fixed....
fyi, just because we find a "new" species doesn't make it new...it probably was there all along but we just never found it till now becuase our technology is making us more capable of finding wonderful creatures....
have a nice one...
So long as there is change around us we are safe. Adaptation is the crux of longevity; you may call it evolution or whatever you may but it isn't stopping for the likes of you and me. Almighty nature will have its way!
I a agree with you Id. nature will have its way no matter what we do or don't do the thrive to survive will prevail.
evolution is not creation it is simply what it is a change in the design of things weather its cells or well cells everything is made up of cells and some cell mutate either for the better of its survival or in some cases they change mutate for the worst like cancer cells or a child is born with an extra chromosome or not enough. but back to earth yes it is evolving right in front of us most of us don't watch it or maybe they see somethings but for those of us who have a keen sense for science already see the evolution taking place and it amazes me.
i think that if everyone pulls together and makes a change then things can improve but all the pollution going into the air is awful the ozone layer keeps getting bigger and global warming is just getting hotter i don't know what part of warm they are talking about it is down right hot !
Id it is,
I have to agree with that, Nature is certainly going to have it's way.
Green is certainly a concern. In India, it's happening in bits and pieces, for eg, a few years ago the Delhi govt introduced CNG buses whiich lowered the pollution levels in Delhi considerably. But it is yet to happen in other cities. I think America has a lot to learn from Brazil, which has successful with its sugarcane based fuel.
I was raised in America, but I have to agree with you that in America people do have a lot to learn, mostly about sacrificing for the greater good. Some are trying, maybe more will follow. Sometime changes take a little time to catch on.
I had to think about this one for a while...
On energy consumption I think the US should bear the responsibility of taking the lead on climate change. For one simple reason, if nothing else, we consume 1/4 of the energy in the world. We call ourselves the leaders in the world, and work(war) to spread 'democracy'/consumerism around the globe. The biggest issue with that is that the world at its present population cannot live the lifestyle we live in the US. There is simply not enough energy. Just how finite a resource petroleum energy is will become evident in the coming years. If we are not able/willing to adapt to this change we will most likely not survive. The good thing is that the world, and most of the people in it are adaptable. Evolution is shown in many lights throughout history. As one simple example, if you go back just a few hundred years you would not find a human that could digest cow's milk. In fact, in many areas of the world people still cannot. But we have adapted to that food source. I personally don't see evolution, or creation as black and white choices, one or the other. I think there may be a little bit more gray in both. Matter had to be created at one point (didn't it?). That creation doesn't preclude it from changing, or adapting (evolving) as time moves on...
Very thought provoking. Thanks for that!
You have some pretty good thoughts on the subject yourself. As far as evolution and creation, I don't think it really matters what people call it, evolution really only means that something is changing, when something is being created something is changing, so I don't see why the two can't coexist.
Golly, that new squid sure looks creepy.
Positive girl,
Yes it does look kind of spooky doesn't it.
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