Friday, December 31, 2010


2011 Appoaching and I am not prepared.

I have to rush to the store and get the usual munchies and goodies to snack on.

It is a must for me to bring in the 'New Year' with junk food.

You know the kind. Chips and dips and those little sausages that you stick on toothpicks.

Yum, Yum!

Hope to visit you in the 'New Year'.

Here's wishing you all good things in the year 2011

Sunday, December 05, 2010


How are all of my blogger friends doing? Hope all is well with each and every one of you.

Here it is a warm 37degree's, feels more like 27, and I am freezing.

Oh joy, as luck would have it, nothing is working properly. Some stray cats got under my trailer and tore up everything they possibly could, so there is almost no heat coming through my vents. Thank God for blankets!

Needless to say I refuse to let it spoil my Christmas cheer. I tend to be a bit of a Pollyanna and I'm glad that I am because when things go wrong my daughter tends to be the Grinch so it sort of even things out, ha, ha.

I went shopping yesterday and got my grandson his Christmas gift, but I'm still stumped on what to get for some relatives.

I'm afraid Christmas is sneaking up on me way to fast this year. I'm not prepared for it mentally.
My daughter-in -law already has her tree up and decorated and I am still dragging my feet wishing someone else would put mine up this year. I'd love it if my daughter would do it this year but I doubt that's going to happen so I may as well jump in with both feet and get it over with.

So it's time to put my happy face on and get busy.

And to you, my blogger friends,
I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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