Boxing Champ has tagged me. I'll do it this one time.
1. I was born in Detroit, lived there between the age of 4 and 5, moved to California where I grew up.
2. I was attacked by a dog (Chow) when I was 4yrs ( in Detroit) and had to have plastic surgery on my face. I was lucky I was found soon after the attack, passed out laying in a pool of blood.
3. Did something stupid when I was 10yrs. and hit my head so hard it got cut open and I had a concussion. Still have the bump on the top of my head. Those suckers hurt for a long time.
4. I almost drowned in the ocean once, story here: I think people are the most interesting creatures on earth.
6. I believe in smiling at a stranger when you pass on the street, you just might make their day.
7. I can ride a horse, not talking about those dude ranch kind. A good horse.
8. I can shoot a pistol, rifle, shotgun, very well so don't make me mad. lol
9. I love all kinds of music and I do mean all kinds.
10. I am not afraid of very many things.
11. I once had three jobs at one time. Two full time one part time. Days Monday through Friday 8a to 5p. Nights 11p to 7a. Weekends Sat and Sun. 2p to 11p
12. I once owned a small Mama and Papa style restaurant that I traded for a beautiful large beer bar. Didn't keep it long. To long to explain here. Use your imagination.
13. I can eat more then most men. I love good food and sweets. Yum
14. I've have had the best of times and the worst of times. I have lived in beautiful homes and I've been homeless.
15. I am not a pretty woman, but I learned at a very young age that it doesn't matter a bit. If you like yourself, your beauty will shine from within. When people get to know you if they like you , you are pretty to them and if all a guy cares about is your looks, he's not worth having.
16. I believe in both forgiveness and fighting back. Which ever the situation calls for. Always fighting is ridiculous. Always turning the other check can be equally as bad.
17. Some people are book smart and not people smart. Some people are people smart and not book smart. Some people are both- huh those are the lucky ones. I was well behaved in school, but got terrible grades. So that leaves me with----- haha you think I'm going to say something sad , fooled you. That leaves me with a whole lot of people smarts and a big desire to learn. I love to learn.
18. I am a survivor of many things, some I will talk about, some I won't.
19. I believe in stopping to smell the roses. Everyone needs a little Zen.
20. When I was young I hated the thought of becoming old. Now that I'm here, I love it. It's very liberating.