I don't even pretend to understand a lot about politics , so this is not meant to excite someone into a political debate but your comments are certainly welcomed. These are only my views, so O.K. people bare with me.
I don't believe for one little minute that gas and food has to go up any higher then it already has and I say this with every ounce of convection that I have within!!!!
I can barely buy proper food to feed my family or fill my gas tank right now. I don't know what it is like where you live but here minimum wage is only a little over five dollars an hour, yet food is higher and cars cost more then they do in some bigger states where our highest wage wouldn't even compare to their minimum wage. Not to mention rent and/or a house payments.
I remember seeing a show years ago, an expose sort of like Dateline, where they showed warehouses that the government had where they had tons of food stored. I remember one full of nothing but things like rice and grains etc. They could have been helping to feed the poor at least here in the US, but they where'nt. (and before you panic and start commenting read on, I know we need a reserve.)
Instead they were sitting in bags probably partially contaminated. Sitting there forever. Why where they not using it and
replenishing it as they used it while times were good. But they don't do that do they. No let's just let it sit there partly molded partly eaten by what ever bug or rodent comes along.
Why do I believe that gas prices do not need to be raised?? Two reasons.
First of all they began to raise them after the dissaster but before they even new if the oil dereks had been damaged. Yes, I heard that on the news, exactly
" it will be a while before we can even assess if there is damage to them or not. " Yet prices started going up immediately!!!
WHY?? Before anything was assesst. I want to know,
WHY!!Secondly , this is not the only place in the US where oil is being produced. What about Calif. they also produce oil. Feel free to comment here , where else do you know of ,that you have seen oil dereks.
Yes, think about it!! In the whole US there are more places producing oil not just this one place.
It is time for the people of the US to stop taking it. Stop accepting and start banning together. Everyone capable of writing needs to take the time to sit down and write a letter to your state representatives and your congressmen (especially your representative they want to climb that ladder so they want to be your friend). If you don't know who they are -- find out. If you didn't vote doesn't matter, write anyway.
If you think it won't help, you are so wrong, but it has to be done by the
masses or yes it will not work. There has to be lots of letters written for them to pay attention to how devastated we, their very own people are.
They need to be flooded with letters, but - and this is a big - BUT they have to be written in a certain way or they will not read them they will throw them away.
How do I know this, I worked for the Cooperative Extension Service for many years and a portion of our jobs were going to be cut out by the governement since our jobs were funded , part state, part Federal, we were taught the proper way to write concerning this problem and asked to write, we all did. It worked.
If you are interested in doing this and want your letter to be acknowledged here is the key to doing it properly.
Your letter must be
short and
to the point. To long, (it will be trashed) Be polite, state what you need and get out. Don't rant and rave ( it won't do anything but get it trashed) . Don't go on and on about your perosnal views, this is not the letter you want to do that in ( grounds for trashing). Don't trash your President this is not the letter to do this in (trashed again).
The soul purpose of this letter is to ask him to bring to someones attention on your behalf that you can not exsist if gas and food get any higher. You can barely afford to put enough gas in your car to get back and forth to work right now.
Of course put it in your own words -- that is exactly why I am not posting a sample letter-- just remember to make it Short, polite and to the point and thank him for his interest and help.
Do it , it really could help if done by many. Don't say to yourself, oh I'm not going to do it beacause I can't get my friends to do it. You don't know how many other people are doing the same thing and your letter is important. You may not be aware of it but it will be discussed behind closed doors and you just might reek the benefits.
It's worth a try isn't it?? footnote: After writing this post, the news flash with the President came on. It was very nice. I also heard the criticism afterwords. I still say write your letters as gas and food may go up even more before it is oveEven though this post is about the rising prices , make no mistake
Katrina caused a horrible dissaster and my heart go's out to the people that have lost loved ones and the survivers. They are suffering terribley and I pray they will get the help they need soon! Yesturday wouldn't have not been soon enough, so all I can say is please God help them. And forgive me if I say I don't give a darn about the history of the state being lost right now all that matters now is the