Is your salad boring? Add something extra to it

Just in case it didn't work

Live life to the fullest, love passionately and often and laugh, laugh a lot!!!
Ah -- the new domain of the Stalker. You meet someone on the net. How exciting. They seem really nice. This goes on for a long time. You really think you may be interested in each other. For what ever the reason it doesn't work out. One of you decides to end it. This is just not the person you thought they were. You want out. They won't let you out.
They begin to harass you on the net. You try to be polite, but nothing works. They send you e-mails , they IM you constantly. They try to find out who your net friends are and trash you to them. They get their friends or relatives to do the same.
You're a nice person and they are saying terrible things about you it is embarrassing.
So what will you do??????
These stories may be boring to you but they are all " true stories" of people I have known in the past, some relatives some friends.
I myself was a victim of a stalker. An ex. husband. Unfortunetly back in my day there really wasn't any legal help for domestic problems. Even abusive ones. I had been to the police with the threats, but at that time all I was told was , sorry mam, we can't do anything, but if he kills you , we'll know who to go after. Well thanks so "F'en" much. I refused to be a victim and began to make a plan. When Iwent to court for my divorce, he did not come in to contest it. He was setting in his car in front of the courthouse. Rumors were he was there to kill me. ( I was property not a wife I had no right to leave) When it was time for me to leave, I was escorted thru judges chambers and out a secrete exit. Once out I was on my own.
Things are different now. It's a whole new wonderful world and you have options!!! Many of them. It doesn't matter if you're a man or a women. And if you don't take advantage of it Shame on you.
The victim whether man or women can press charges. Get rid of the problem. Don't live your life unhappy or in fear!!!!
I know some of you are thinking, I can't do a thing because this is Cyber problem. Oh you are so wrong . Because their has been so much stalking on the net The Federal Government has made law especially for the Cyber world, that cross state lines.
So for thos Cyberstalkers that think you can harrase you ex and trash them publicly,
WRONG: you can be prosecuted and anyone that you get to help you harase this person can be porsecuted right along with you. So Beware!!! Because, they just might be coming to get you one day.
Remote-controlled robot jockeys are supposes to be replacing the innocent little baby jockeys. Three cheers for the UAE (United Arab Emirates) who have outlawed the use of jockeys under the age of 18yrs. Recently had their first race with Robots.
Some think that dreams are a way of the brain communicating with you while you are asleep, telling your fortune and warning you of things to come. Others think that dreams are a replay of a past life. And still others think that a dream is just a dream -- nothing more, nothing less, to be tossed aside and forgotten upon awakening.
When a person thinks about a serial killer they inevitably think of a man. It just doesn't seem that women are capable of such brutal crimes.
Here are the names of some female seriel killers:
1.Martha Beck - hated other women but used a man as her pawn.Both were caught and electrocuted in New York's Sing Sing Prison in 1951.
2.Sante Kimes -A more recent serial female killer who raised her own son to help her. They are both in prison at this time.
3. Gwendolyn Graham and Catherine Wood - Two twisted female nurses that were in love with each other. Killed at least six elderly women and when they were washing the bodies for burial would make love. Catherine Wood became the star witness against Gwendolyn Graham. Graham was sentenced to life and Wood to 20 to 40 years.
4. Dorothea Mantalvo Puenta - Rented apartments at very cheap rates, even took in the homeless. They were her victims. She was charged with a total of 9 murders in 1993 but found guilty of only 3. She was sentenced to life without parole.
Out of all of these I find the one of Sante Kimes and her son the most interesting. She had to be pretty smart to pull of some off the things she did.The crime that had finished the pair was the murder of Irene Silverman an elderly lady who lived in an East Side mansion that she would lease for $6,000 per month. Silverman was just too well known to be allowed to disappear without a trace. What had happened was that Sante and Kenny had gotten Silverman to go into their apartment then shot her in the head with a stun gun. While she lay paralyzed on the floor, Kenny strangled her with his bare hands. After that, her body was stuffed into a suitcase and Kenny threw it into the truck of a car and then disposed of it. Sante had produced a false bill of sale for the mansion and her story was that Silverman had sold her the house. Sante Kimes had more nerve than anyone could imagine. She and her son had forged an invitation to the White House and actually met with Mrs. Nixon, the then President's wife, where Sante took a photograph of her son with Mrs. Nixon to be used to influence other politicians in a grand bunko scheme. Somehow they had also avoided the Secret Service and got to Vice President Ford during a party and had a conversation with him. Their scheme was thwarted when the Washington Papers got hold of the story about them crashing the party. People began to disappear. The family lawyer took a trip with Sante and Kenny and never returned. Sante's husband died of a heart attack, or did he? She went into a deal with David Kazdin a real estate agent and then murdered him. A Bahamian banker named Sayed Bilal discovered that Sante was doing some illegal transactions with her husband's former bank accounts and scheduled a meeting with Sante, he was never seen again.
So you see, female mass murders can be as vicious as males, there just aren't as many of them, they account for about 8% of all serial killers in this country. Their favorite methods of killing in the order of preference are: poison, shooting, beating, suffocation, stabbing and drowning.
Makes me wonder if there really is fewer female seriel kellers - or not??
Have to give credit to google for this one http://aboutfacts.net/People48.htm
Infamous Nevada Brothel Back in Business
By TOM GARDNER, Associated Press
The Mustang Ranch, the best-known little whorehouse in the West, is back in business at a new location. The gaudy pink stucco buildings and the working girls are there. The only thing missing is the name.
The bordello reopened Friday east of Reno with the generic name World Famous Brothel six years after the government shut it down and auctioned off its buildings and contents.
The Mustang's old parlor ceiling has been replaced with a dome, painted in fences, shrubs and flowers. Special lighting effects gradually change the ceiling from sunrise to sunset.
"We have raised the bar on brothel elegance and operation in Nevada," said Susan Austin, the madam who also directs another brothel on the same property. "There is nothing else in the state that can compare with the pleasant, warm decor and atmosphere in two separate and competing bordello operations."
Prostitution is illegal in Nevada's largest cities but is allowed in 12 of the state's 17 counties.
Austin said the decor pays homage to Joe Conforte, the original owner of the brothel, while toning down his garish pinks and purples.
Conforte's image in leaded glass greets visitors entering the parlor, where the working girls line up. But Conforte's red flocked wallpaper and threadbare carpet have been replaced by earth tones and an Italian motif.
"I wanted to pay homage to Joe Conforte. He made prostitution legal in Nevada," Austin said.
Conforte, a one-time cab driver in San Francisco who used to deliver his passengers to prostitutes in the 1960s, took over the 104-room brothel in 1967 when prostitution was illegal in Nevada. In 1971 it became the state's first legal bordello.
Conforte ran into tax problems with the IRS. He was accused of owing $13 million in back taxes and fled to Brazil. The government seized the Mustang Ranch in 1999 after its parent companies and manager were convicted in a federal fraud and racketeering trial.
But the U.S. Bureau of Land Management was uneasy about owning a brothel and put it up for grabs on eBay.
Bordello owner Lance Gilman snapped it up for $145,100, then spent $4 million to carve up the buildings and move them to his Wild Horse Resort & Spa brothel, five miles east of the old Mustang site.
He did not call it the Mustang Ranch because of a dispute with a rival brothel owner who claims to own the rights to the name.
At the World Famous Brothel, as with the original Mustang, the wings with the working girls' rooms extend like spokes from an octagonal parlor. Fifty rooms and two VIP suites are planned. At the moment, 18 girls are working.
For one, who calls herself Salaizia, it is a job the lifelong Reno resident has longed for.
"I used to see Joe Conforte on television. I'd see the flashing lights, the beautiful women. It was a glamorous world," she said. When she signed on with the new Mustang, "my dream came true."
Blogging is a whole new world. It's like verturing to another planet and finding other humans there. It's a different realm, like the twilight zone. It's a means of communication.
Blogging can be anything you want it to be. It's your own little domain and you can choose whether you want it to be public or private. It's all yours to do with what you wish . A place where a person can go and have a little piece of the net, to do with what ever their heart desires. Some people use it as a journal, some use it to post pictures. While others may use it to advertise their goods and still others use it to communicate.
Just a few short months ago I had never heard of blogging. I learnd about it thru my daughter. All of her friends had gotten into it and she decided she wanted to do it. I surfed some of the sites and thought hmmm that's not for me. But she seemed to be having such fun that somewhere along the way I got the jealousy bug and decided to try it. Been doing it ever since. Even my grandson is doing it . Since he's a jabber jaw anyway it's a great outlet for him.
Boy I tell what, there's nothing like getting that first comment. My daughters friend welcomed me to the club and faithfully commented the whole first month. Wow, you can't imagine what it feels like to see that comment section for the first time with something other then a zero on it. What a rush. But just like anything else you have to take the good with the bad. There will always be people out there who may come on your comment section that are rude or mean or just plain jealous of you. They are the trouble makers that try to make you feel bad about yourself or about what you have posted. But , tho's kind of people are everywhere, we deal with them in everyday life anyway don't we.
Do I think it's worth the time and trouble. Definitely yes ! Nothing you like is trouble. I love blogging and the good people far outway the bad. Life just wouldn't be the same after blogging. I think if I had to give it up there would be this big empty spot in me where blogging used to be. Like losing a dear old friend. I wouldn't still be hear if it wasn't for them. I am a complete computer illiterate dummy and it's my blogger friends that got me this far. All of them jump forward when a fellow blogger has a problem, but one in particular was extremely helpful, I owe him in a big way for having the patience to try to drum things into my head.
I have met so many nice, intelligent, and interesting people and I feel like they are my friends. If you think you can't know someone or be able to tell what they are like unless you have met them in person , you are so wrong. Peoples personalities have a way of shinning thru and I truly feel blessed to have so many new shinny friends.
If you don't believe me try blogging !
My first commenter, very artistic and always has something good to say and view .
Controversial, political, intelligent and highly informed and puts up with my dumb comments
Crazy in a good way. If you want a laugh see Lizzy, she tells if like it is and leaves nothing to the imagination. You will fall down laughing.
My favorite site, a true computer brainiac (I should be so lucky), if you have a computer problem you can bet you will find the answers in his archives and if you can't he is always willing to give you the answer. A very kind and helpful person with a giant size heart. If I had 1/16 of his brain I would be so happy. Not to mention he never fails to have a really good post.
The dreaded Weedeater has got to be a womens worse nightmare. It certainly is mine!
I have a gas operated weedeater because my yard is to big for an electric one. There wouldn't be a cord long enough.
The Damn thing has a mind of it's own. If it doesn't want to start it's not going to no matter what I do. Every time I get it out we fight for an hour before, (if ever) it starts.
I do everything right. Steps one though seven. I set it on a flat surface. I press the primer bulb the correct number of times. Move the choke lever to the right position. Squeeze the throttle trigger fully. Pull starter rope etc. etc. and nothing. Again --nothing, Again nothing. Again, ahh, then it teases me with a little noise and I think I have it made. So this go's on and on and it's getting dark now and I'm so pissed I can't see straight but there is no way I am going to let a machine be more stubburn then me. Finally it starts, after an hour of yanking that rope and talking to it with the best words I know ( all bad) it finally starts -- then it dies. So we play start and die, for at least another 20 minutes.
Well it must have gotten tired of the fight and decided to go to work. The last big yank of the rope and the motor yelled loudly so I snatched it up and started using it. What happens now. No line, so I have to turn it off to put more line in it, which I did. I really dreaded trying to start it again but to my amazement it jumped right off. I thought this is great, but by now it's pretty dark. That's O.K. I can still get a little done. I run over to the side of my place face the weed eater down into some weeds and then, a big noise and the weedeater is yanking on me as tho it is hung up in the weeds. I rank back.
I should have known it had a plan. the spool came off. The only thing that kept it from flying thru the air was the line wrapped itself around the tube. Oh thank God it could have broken my leg. Well by now it's so dark I can't see anyway so I give up. You win! You sorry lazy good for nothing weedeater, you freaken win!
As I passed the trash can, I had the greatest urge to thow it away or at least leave it on the wet dewy ground all night to punish it but I didn't. I called it dirty names all the way back on the walk to put it up.
My weedeater now has a new name . It is now no longer a weedeater, it's an SOB and shall remain so named, until it starts acting right . I'm mad, I'm tired and I'm going to bed.
Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray no nightmares will I see ---- of the SOB.
The British government launched a series of tough anti-cigarette adverts Friday with the message that smoking is bad for your sex life because it makes men impotent and women ugly.
The campaign is designed to target young Britons' fears about their sexual attractiveness -- an area the government says is more effective than highlighting general health concerns.
One ad uses a burning cigarette end between two "fingerlegs" as a metaphor for a penis with the strapline "Does smoking make you hard? Not if it means you can't get it up."
Another targets women saying cigarettes lead to premature skin aging and warns that smoking causes "cat's bum mouth."
"We know 70 percent of smokers want to stop smoking, however, with younger people, fears about attractiveness and fertility can be a stronger motivation to quit than fears about health," said Public Health Minister Caroline Flint. The government says smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by around 50 percent for men in their 30s and 40s and that up to 120,000 British men in this age group were impotent as a result of smoking.
A recent survey by NHS Smoking Helpline also found two-thirds of young men and women, and over half of smokers, said smoking reduced sexual attractiveness.